Bible What To Do When Someone Won’t Forgive You

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where someone refuses to forgive you? It can be an incredibly difficult and painful experience. In this blog post, we will explore the biblical teachings on forgiveness and provide practical guidance on what to do when someone won’t forgive you. By understanding how to navigate these challenging circumstances, you can find healing, restoration, and ultimately, peace.

Title: Finding Forgiveness: Steps to Take When Someone Refuses to Forgive You

When someone refuses to forgive you, it can be a deeply painful and challenging situation. As a believer in Christ, it is important to seek reconciliation and restoration in relationships. The Bible offers guidance on how to handle such situations and provides hope for healing and forgiveness.

1. Examine your heart: Before seeking forgiveness, it is crucial to examine your own heart and acknowledge any wrongdoing or hurt caused. Take responsibility for your actions and sincerely repent before God.

2. Approach the person: Take the initiative to approach the person and ask for forgiveness. Choose an appropriate time and place to have an open and honest conversation. Be humble, sincere, and willing to listen to their side of the story.

3. Apologize sincerely: When asking for forgiveness, express genuine remorse and apologize sincerely. Acknowledge the pain you have caused and assure them that you are committed to making amends and changing your behavior.

4. Give them time: Understand that forgiveness is a process and may take time. Respect the other person’s feelings and allow them the space to process their emotions. Avoid pressuring or rushing them into forgiving you.

5. Seek God’s forgiveness: While waiting for reconciliation with the person, seek God’s forgiveness. Confess your sins to Him, repent, and ask for His guidance and strength to make amends.

6. Pray for reconciliation: Prayer is powerful. Continually pray for the person who is unwilling to forgive you. Ask God to soften their heart, grant them understanding, and bring healing to the relationship.

7. Practice patience and humility: During this difficult time, practice patience and humility. Continue to treat the person with kindness and respect, even if they continue to hold onto resentment. Show them through your actions that you are genuinely sorry and committed to change.

8. Seek wise counsel: Consider seeking counsel from a trusted spiritual mentor or pastor. They can provide guidance and wisdom in navigating this challenging situation, offering insights from a biblical perspective.

9. Reflect on God’s forgiveness: Remember that God’s forgiveness is the ultimate example for us. Reflect on how God forgives us completely when we repent and turn to Him. Let this inspire you to extend grace and forgiveness to others, even when it feels difficult.

10. Trust in God’s plan: Ultimately, we must trust in God’s plan for our lives and relationships. While we cannot control how others respond, we can surrender the situation to God and trust that He is working all things together for good.

Remember, forgiveness is a process that involves both parties. While it may be disheartening if someone refuses to forgive you, continue to pray, seek reconciliation, and trust in God’s timing and plan.

What does the Bible say about people who won’t forgive?

The Bible emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and provides guidance on how believers should respond to those who refuse to forgive. In Matthew 6:14-15, Jesus states, “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” This passage highlights the reciprocal nature of forgiveness and the expectation that Christians should extend forgiveness to others just as God has forgiven them.

Furthermore, in Matthew 18:21-22, Peter asks Jesus how many times he should forgive someone who sins against him, suggesting the idea of setting a limit. However, Jesus responds by saying, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times.” This indicates that forgiveness is not meant to be limited or conditional but rather a continual practice.

In Colossians 3:13, it is written, “Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.” This verse emphasizes that believers are called to forgive others as they have been forgiven by God.

Therefore, according to the Bible, those who refuse to forgive may face the consequence of not receiving forgiveness themselves. Forgiveness is seen as an essential aspect of living out one’s faith and reflecting God’s grace and mercy towards others.

What do you do when someone won’t forgive you?

When someone won’t forgive you, it can be a difficult and painful situation. However, as followers of the Bible, we are called to seek reconciliation and forgiveness. Here are some steps to consider:

1. Recognize your responsibility: Acknowledge your mistakes and take ownership of your actions. This step requires humility and honesty.

2. Apologize sincerely: Approach the person you have wronged with a genuine and heartfelt apology. Express remorse for your actions and ask for their forgiveness.

3. Seek reconciliation: Make efforts to rebuild the relationship. This may involve listening to the other person’s perspective, understanding their feelings, and taking steps to ensure similar mistakes are not repeated.

4. Give them time: Understand that forgiveness is a process, and the person may need time to heal and process their emotions. Respect their boundaries and give them space if they need it.

5. Pray for them: Lift the person up in prayer, asking God to soften their heart and grant them the ability to forgive. Pray for guidance and wisdom on how to navigate the situation.

6. Continue to live a transformed life: Show through your actions that you have changed and are committed to growing and learning from your mistakes. Let your behavior reflect the teachings of the Bible and strive to demonstrate love, kindness, and forgiveness in all your interactions.

Remember, while we can make efforts to seek forgiveness, ultimately, it is up to the individual to choose to forgive. We can control our actions but not the response of others. Trust in God’s plan and continue to show love and grace even if forgiveness is not granted immediately.

What are 3 unforgivable sins?

In the context of the Bible, there is a passage in Matthew 12:31-32 where Jesus speaks about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit as an unforgivable sin. It says, “And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” This passage suggests that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is considered an unforgivable sin.

It’s important to note that the Bible does not explicitly list three specific unforgivable sins. The concept of an unforgivable sin primarily revolves around the idea of rejecting the work of the Holy Spirit and persistently refusing to accept God’s forgiveness. While different interpretations exist, many theologians understand blasphemy against the Holy Spirit as the ultimate rejection of God’s grace and forgiveness.

Therefore, the one unforgivable sin mentioned in the Bible is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

How to get someone to forgive you when they won t talk to you?

When it comes to seeking forgiveness from someone who refuses to talk to you, the Bible offers guidance on how to approach the situation. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Examine your heart: Before reaching out to the person, take time to reflect on your actions and motives. Acknowledge any wrongdoings or offenses you may have committed and genuinely repent before God.

2. Pray: Seek God’s guidance and ask for His help in softening the other person’s heart. Pray for wisdom, humility, and patience as you navigate the path towards reconciliation.

3. Write a letter: If verbal communication is not possible, consider writing a heartfelt letter expressing your remorse, apologizing for your actions, and asking for forgiveness. Be sincere, humble, and avoid making excuses or shifting blame.

4. Respect their decision: Even if the person continues to refuse communication, respect their choice and give them space. Pressuring or forcing them to forgive you will only create more tension.

5. Continue to pray and seek God’s guidance: Trust in God’s timing and continue praying for reconciliation. Ask God to soften both your heart and the other person’s heart, and be patient as He works in His own way.

Remember, forgiveness is ultimately in God’s hands. While it is important to seek reconciliation, it is also important to trust in His plan and timing.


How does the Bible address the issue of being unable to obtain forgiveness from someone?

The Bible encourages individuals to seek forgiveness from those they have wronged and to reconcile with them. It emphasizes the importance of humility, repentance, and making amends in order to obtain forgiveness.

Are there any biblical examples or teachings that provide guidance on what to do when someone refuses to forgive you?

Yes, Matthew 18:15-17 provides guidance on what to do when someone refuses to forgive you. It suggests first addressing the issue privately with the individual, then bringing witnesses if necessary, and finally involving the church community if the person still refuses to forgive.

What steps can one take according to the Bible when facing a situation where forgiveness is withheld from them?

According to the Bible, when facing a situation where forgiveness is withheld from them, one can take the following steps:

1. Examine oneself: Reflect on one’s own actions and attitude, seeking to understand if there is any wrongdoing or offense that needs to be addressed.

2. Pray: Seek God’s guidance and ask for strength to forgive others, even when they withhold forgiveness. Pray for reconciliation and healing in the relationship.

3. Extend grace: Choose to extend grace and forgiveness towards the person who withholds forgiveness, just as God has extended grace and forgiveness to us. Show love and kindness towards them.

4. Practice patience: Be patient and understanding, recognizing that forgiveness is a process that may take time for the other person. Avoid harboring resentment or bitterness.

5. Seek wise counsel: Seek guidance from trusted spiritual mentors or leaders who can provide biblical wisdom and advice on how to navigate the situation.

6. Continue to love and serve: Even if forgiveness is withheld, continue to show love and serve the person. Let your actions reflect the love of Christ, hoping that it may lead to reconciliation and eventual forgiveness.