What Is The Third Hour In The Bible

Have you ever wondered what the significance of the Third Hour is in the Bible? Delve into the depths of this intriguing topic with us as we uncover the spiritual insights and lessons that can be gleaned from this specific hour mentioned throughout the Scriptures. Gain a deeper understanding of the Third Hour and how it can enrich your faith journey and deepen your connection with God.

The Significance of the Third Hour in the Bible Explained

The concept of the Third Hour in the Bible holds significant symbolic and theological meaning. In the Scriptures, the Third Hour is mentioned several times, particularly in the New Testament.

One notable reference to the Third Hour is found in the Gospel of Mark 15:25, which states, “It was nine in the morning when they crucified him.” This passage indicates that Jesus was crucified at the Third Hour, which would have been around 9:00 a.m. according to the Jewish timekeeping system of the day.

The significance of the Third Hour can be understood in both a literal and symbolic sense. Literally, the Third Hour marked an important moment in the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. Symbolically, the Third Hour has been interpreted by theologians and scholars in various ways.

Some see the Third Hour as a time of divine intervention or revelation. In Acts 2:15, Peter references the Third Hour in connection with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. This event marked the beginning of the early Christian church and the spread of the gospel message.

Others view the Third Hour as a time of prayer and devotion. In the book of Acts, we read about Peter and John going to the temple at the Ninth Hour (3:00 p.m.) for the afternoon prayer service. The Third Hour, then, may symbolize the importance of regular prayer and communion with God.

Additionally, the Third Hour has been associated with the concept of sacrifice. The morning sacrifice in the Jewish temple was offered at the Third Hour, signifying the giving of thanks and praise to God. In a similar vein, the crucifixion of Jesus at the Third Hour can be seen as the ultimate sacrifice for the redemption of humanity.

Overall, the Third Hour in the Bible carries rich symbolism and spiritual significance. It serves as a reminder of the pivotal moments in the life of Jesus and the early Christian community, as well as a call to prayer, devotion, and sacrificial living for believers today.

What are the hours mentioned in the Bible?

In the Bible, several hours are mentioned in different contexts:

    • Third hour: Mark 15:25 mentions that Jesus was crucified at the third hour.
    • Sixth hour: Matthew 27:45 describes that darkness fell over the land from the sixth hour to the ninth hour while Jesus was on the cross.
    • Ninth hour: Matthew 27:46-50 records that Jesus cried out with a loud voice and gave up His spirit at the ninth hour.
    • Twelfth hour: John 1:39 mentions that it was about the tenth hour when Andrew and another disciple followed Jesus.

These hours provide a timeline of significant events in the Bible.

What is the third hour in Acts 2 15?

In Acts 2:15, the third hour refers to the time of day when Peter stood up with the other apostles and spoke to the crowd on the day of Pentecost. The third hour is typically understood to be around 9:00 AM in the Jewish reckoning of time, which began at sunrise. This moment is significant because it marks the fulfillment of the prophecy from the book of Joel about God pouring out His Spirit on all people. Peter addressed the crowd, explaining that what they were witnessing was a result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as foretold by the prophet Joel.

What was the third hour of Jesus?

The third hour of Jesus in the Bible is commonly understood to refer to 9 o’clock in the morning. This timing is mentioned in Mark 15:25, which states that Jesus was crucified at the third hour. Additionally, in Acts 2:15, Peter refers to the events of Pentecost taking place at the third hour of the day. These references provide insight into the timing of significant events in the life of Jesus and the early church.

What’s the sixth hour in the Bible?

In the Bible, the sixth hour is a reference to the time when Jesus was crucified. According to the Gospel of Mark (Mark 15:33), darkness came over the whole land from the sixth hour until the ninth hour, which would be from noon to 3 pm. This event is significant in Christian theology as it marks the climax of Jesus’ sacrifice for the redemption of humanity.


What significance does the Third Hour hold in the Bible?

The Third Hour in the Bible is significant as it is the time when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles at Pentecost, fulfilling Jesus’ promise to send a helper.

How is the concept of the Third Hour mentioned in different passages of the Bible?

The concept of the Third Hour is mentioned in different passages of the Bible, such as Acts 2:15 where Peter refers to it during Pentecost.

Is there a symbolic meaning attributed to the Third Hour in biblical teachings?

Yes, the Third Hour is often associated with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in biblical teachings.