What Is Unclean In The Bible

Have you ever wondered what the concept of “unclean” really means in the Bible? In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of things that are deemed unclean in scripture and explore how understanding this concept can deepen our spiritual growth and connection with God. Join us as we uncover the hidden meanings behind the idea of uncleanness in the Bible and discover how it can positively impact our faith journey.

Understanding Biblical Uncleanliness: Exploring Taboos and Restrictions

In the Bible, the concept of cleanliness is often associated with both physical and spiritual purity. The term “unclean” in the Bible refers to anything that is considered impure or defiled according to God’s standards. This idea is particularly prominent in the Old Testament, where specific guidelines are given regarding what is considered unclean.

One of the most well-known examples of what is deemed unclean in the Bible is found in Leviticus 11, where a detailed list of animals is provided that are considered unclean for consumption. These include animals such as pigs, camels, and shellfish. The Israelites were instructed to avoid these animals as they were deemed impure.

Additionally, certain bodily discharges, such as menstruation and childbirth, were also considered unclean in the Old Testament. Those experiencing these conditions were required to undergo purification rituals before they could rejoin the community.

The concept of uncleanness also extends to objects and places in the Bible. For example, in Leviticus 15, guidelines are given regarding how to handle items that come into contact with bodily fluids, such as clothing and furniture. These items were considered unclean and required cleansing rituals to be purified.

In the New Testament, the concept of uncleanness is addressed in a different light. Jesus criticized the Pharisees for their focus on external cleanliness while neglecting inner purity. In Mark 7:20-23, Jesus states that it is not what goes into a person that defiles them, but what comes out of their heart.

Overall, the concept of what is unclean in the Bible serves as a reminder of the importance of purity, both in outward actions and inner thoughts. It emphasizes the need for holiness and separation from anything that may defile a person spiritually.

What does unclean in the Bible mean?

In the Bible, the term “unclean” typically refers to something that is impure or not fit for use in religious contexts. In the Old Testament, there are various laws and regulations regarding what is considered unclean, such as certain animals, foods, or bodily discharges. These laws were meant to distinguish between what was considered holy and what was considered profane.

In the New Testament, the concept of uncleanness is often used metaphorically to refer to moral impurity or sinfulness. Jesus criticized the religious leaders of his time for being more concerned with outward purity than with inner righteousness. He emphasized the importance of having a pure heart and genuine faith.

Overall, the idea of being unclean in the Bible is closely tied to the notions of purity, holiness, and spiritual cleanliness. It serves as a reminder of the need for repentance, purification, and reconciliation with God.

What makes a woman unclean in the Bible?

In the Bible, a woman is considered unclean during her menstrual period and for a period of time after giving birth. Leviticus 15:19-30 outlines the laws regarding a woman’s menstrual cycle, stating that she is unclean during the days of her menstruation and for seven days after it ends. Additionally, if a woman gives birth to a son, she is considered unclean for 40 days; if she gives birth to a daughter, she is unclean for 80 days (Leviticus 12:1-8). During this time, she is not to touch anything holy or enter the sanctuary.

It is important to note that the concept of uncleanness in the Bible is related to ritual purity and is not a judgment on the woman’s character or worth. The laws regarding ritual purity were part of the Old Testament ceremonial laws given to the Israelites to set them apart as a holy nation. These laws were fulfilled in the New Testament through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, rendering them no longer necessary for believers in Him (Hebrews 10:10).

What were unclean animals in the Bible?

In the Bible, the concept of unclean animals is found primarily in the Old Testament. Leviticus 11 lists out various animals that were considered unclean according to Jewish dietary laws. Unclean animals included:

  • Land animals that do not chew the cud or do not have a divided hoof, such as pigs and camels.
  • Aquatic animals without fins and scales, like shellfish and catfish.
  • Birds of prey and scavengers.

These dietary laws were meant to set apart the Israelites as a holy nation and were part of their covenant with God. Following these laws was a way for them to demonstrate their obedience and faithfulness.

What are unclean foods in Christianity?

In Christianity, the concept of unclean foods is primarily derived from the Old Testament of the Bible, particularly in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. These passages outline various animals that are considered unclean and therefore not suitable for consumption by believers.

Unclean foods in Christianity typically include animals such as pigs, rabbits, shellfish, and certain birds of prey. The Old Testament dietary laws were put in place to distinguish the Israelites from other nations and to promote cleanliness and holiness among God’s people.

However, in the New Testament, specifically in the book of Acts and the letters of Paul, there is a shift in understanding regarding dietary restrictions. Christians are no longer bound by the Mosaic Law and are free to eat all types of food.

Overall, while the concept of unclean foods still holds significance in some Christian traditions, many Christians believe that the dietary laws outlined in the Old Testament no longer apply to them under the New Covenant established through Jesus Christ.


What are some examples of unclean things mentioned in the Bible?

Some examples of unclean things mentioned in the Bible include pork, shellfish, and certain animals that do not chew the cud or have split hooves.

How does the concept of uncleanness relate to religious practices in the Bible?

The concept of uncleanness in the Bible is often associated with ritual purity and moral cleanliness. It is closely tied to religious practices as it dictates who is allowed to participate in certain ceremonies or approach sacred spaces. Uncleanness can result from physical conditions, such as illness or contact with certain objects, as well as moral transgressions. In the Old Testament, there are detailed laws and rituals for purification from uncleanness in order to maintain holiness and proper worship before God.

Are there specific rituals or laws associated with dealing with uncleanliness in the Bible?

Yes, there are specific rituals and laws associated with dealing with uncleanliness in the Bible.