Where Is Kedar In The Bible

Have you ever wondered where the land of Kedar is mentioned in the Bible? In this blog post, we will explore the significance of Kedar in the scriptures and uncover its historical and cultural context. Join us on this journey as we delve into the rich tapestry of biblical references to Kedar and gain a deeper understanding of its relevance to the narrative of the Bible.

Unveiling the Biblical Mystery: Where Exactly is Kedar Mentioned in the Scriptures?

Where is Kedar in the Bible?

Kedar is mentioned several times in the Bible, primarily in the Old Testament. The name Kedar refers to a descendant of Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar. In the Bible, Kedar is associated with the Ishmaelites, who were known for their nomadic lifestyle and trade in spices and other goods.

One of the prominent mentions of Kedar in the Bible is in the book of Isaiah. In Isaiah 21:16-17, it says, “For thus the Lord said to me, ‘Within a year, according to the years of a hired worker, all the glory of Kedar will come to an end. And the remainder of the archers of the mighty men of the sons of Kedar will be few, for the Lord, the God of Israel, has spoken.'”

Another reference to Kedar can be found in the book of Jeremiah. In Jeremiah 49:28-29, it states, “Concerning Kedar and the kingdoms of Hazor that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon defeated. This is what the Lord says: ‘Arise, advance against Kedar! Destroy the people of the East!'”

Additionally, in the book of Psalms, Kedar is mentioned in a poetic context. Psalm 120:5 says, “Woe to me that I dwell in Meshek, that I live among the tents of Kedar!”

Overall, Kedar in the Bible represents a group of people descended from Ishmael and is often used metaphorically to symbolize various themes such as judgment, destruction, and foreign nations. The references to Kedar provide insight into the historical context and cultural significance of the time in which these passages were written.

Where is the land of Kedar today?

The land of Kedar is believed to be located in the Arabian Peninsula, specifically in the region of modern-day Saudi Arabia. In the Bible, the descendants of Kedar are mentioned in several passages, including in the book of Isaiah where they are described as a nomadic tribe known for their tents and flocks of sheep. The location of Kedar in the Arabian Peninsula aligns with historical and archaeological evidence, as well as with the biblical references that place them in the desert regions of the Middle East.

What is the meaning of Kedar in the Bible?

In the Bible, Kedar refers to a people group descended from Ishmael, the son of Abraham. The descendants of Kedar are often associated with nomadic tribes living in the Arabian desert. The prophet Isaiah mentions Kedar in his prophecies, highlighting their significance in the region. Overall, Kedar represents a group of people who played a role in biblical history and are mentioned in various passages throughout the Old Testament.

Where is the tribe of Kedar?

The tribe of Kedar is mentioned in the Bible as descendants of Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar. They were a nomadic tribe that inhabited the Arabian Peninsula. The Book of Isaiah mentions Kedar in reference to their tents and flocks, highlighting their nomadic lifestyle. Additionally, the Book of Psalms also refers to the people of Kedar in relation to their association with the land of Midian. Overall, the tribe of Kedar is often associated with the deserts of Arabia in the Bible.

What does the name Kedar mean in Hebrew?

In the Bible, the name Kedar is associated with a place and also a people group. In Hebrew, the name Kedar means “dark-skinned” or “swarthy.” In the Old Testament, Kedar is mentioned in relation to the descendants of Ishmael, as well as a region inhabited by these people. The name is often used symbolically to represent various nomadic Arab tribes.


What is the significance of Kedar in the Bible?

Kedar in the Bible is significant as it refers to a descendant of Ishmael, who became a prominent Arabian tribe known for their wealth and military prowess.

How many times is Kedar mentioned in the Bible?

Kedar is mentioned 11 times in the Bible.

Are there any specific events or stories related to Kedar in the Bible?

Kedar is mentioned in the Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament of the Bible, but there are no specific events or stories related to Kedar in the Bible.